Prayer Warriors
As many of you know, I was diagnosed with breast cancer last week. Adam & I met with the breast specialist on Monday to discuss our treatment plan. Because of the size and rate it is growing as well as the fact that I was breastfeeding so they were unable to get good pictures of the tumor and because we are waiting for some other tests to come back, I will be having a port placed near my clavicle on Friday morning in order to start chemotherapy within the next week or so. Treatments will be once every 2 weeks for 8 weeks and then once a week for 12 weeks. That’s 20 weeks of chemo. I will also have an EEG done as well as a PET scan on Friday while we are down in Green Bay. This will take from 6am until about 2pm. We are asking for prayers that the PET scan comes back clear. That would mean that the cancer has not figured out how to leave the breast tissue through the lymph nodes and is contained; which would be great news! Also please pray that the genetics test comes back negative as well. Since I had to abruptly stop breastfeeding, I have been in pain for days. Praying for the milk to dry up quickly would be good and would help me be more comfortable. Please lift all our children up in prayer, but especially Sadie & Morgan. Sadie is having trouble calming down since she is unable to nurse. It is making for some very long and tiring nights for me. She also knows that something is going on & just about every time I leave the room, she starts to cry. It’s hard to watch that but she’ll get better. And Morgan is our super sensitive girl that needs extra reassurance that all will be well. We believe that God will walk us and carry us through these times but sometimes it will feel like it is taking forever. Prayer & encouragement is essential. So we thank you for being willing to help us out with this. Please pray that I am able to tolerate chemo well. My treatments will be here in Escanaba with my oncologist from Green Bay. We feel God’s clarity in the decisions we've made and we have an excellent team of physicians taking care of us. Thank you for continued prayers.
Jeannette & Adam Pierce
Praise Him for Loving us so much that he's blessed us with great friends & the ability to be cared for & 'feel' his hand in this whole thing. We don't have that feeling of anxious but rather determination. It's great
1. Clear PET scan
2. negative on the genetic testing
3. Port placement, EEG, & PET scan to go smoothly on Friday
4. Abrupt stop of nursing & the effects on my body as well as how it all affects Sadie
5. Prayer for kids to cope & for their faith to develop even more.
6. Tolerate chemo good.
7. That we will be a great witness with the right words to share with others.