Monday, October 17, 2011

Preschool, Paper Passer, & MEAP Testing

These are the things being talked about & being done in our home lately.  Thought I'd share from the youngest to the oldest for the kiddos.

Morgan is doing great in preschool so far. She's had a few mornings where she doesn't want me to leave which makes me thankful that the other two were bused to Headstart.  It's harder when she gets in those moods.  She's making many friends but says there is one girl that told her the 1st day that she wasn't her friend & didn't want to play with.  I tried to explain that maybe she said she's not her friend because she doesn't know Morgan yet.  Who knows.  That's the part I hate about them being around other people. They get their feelings hurt & don't exactly understand why someone would treat them that way.  On the other hand, it is good for her to learn that our way of life is not the only way.  That being said, her teacher came over for a visit today & did some simple testing to see what Morgan can do & she quickly breezed through all the 'test' questions & added some hilarious flare to her answers.  Quite entertaining for sure.

Braly has been having trouble with temper tantrums lately & being angry.  I think I've pinpointed his behavior to lack of a close friend at school.  He says that no one will play with him at recess unless he happens to be doing what they want to do at that time.  Then they will 'sort of' play with him.  Let me tell you this breaks  my heart into a zillion pieces.  He's such a sweet & kind boy that I don't understand why this is happening.  I've been trying to coach him about how to 'make' friends but its a work in progress.  On an up note, he is the paper passer in class this week & he's pretty happy about that.  He likes to be helpful & when his other teachers figured that out & assigned him to help other students or to have a job, he did so great in class.  I think he passed his pre-spelling test again today so we only have to practice his dictation sentences.  Makes it less time consuming for homework which is nice with 3 kids all doing something.

Gabby got sick over the weekend & spent Saturday just relaxing.  Then Sunday we thought there was a slight chance her nasty looking throat might be strep so we sat at the Fast Care clinic for a few hours waiting to be seen.  It was so busy.  Strep test was negative so we are doing the classic gargle with salt water, drink plenty of fluids, rest, etc.  Her feeling lousy sure isn't going to help with the rest of the MEAP testing she has to do tomorrow & Wednesday but at least its the last 2 days & she'll be done.  I must say that I am impressed that she is able to finish all her questions.  I know she won't get a perfect score but she is a pretty smart cookie, even in math, which is her least favorite subject & the one she struggles with the most & she'll probably test out at above average.

I haven't been sleeping well with the kids taking turns being sick or just waking me up from bad dreams or whatever so I'm tired & heading to bed.

I leave you with this quote since I want to make sure to be encouraging in some way.

Part of cultivating a good life is making every little choice in such a way that you know, at the end of today, that you had no regrets.  ~Becky Higgins

I hope that you had no regrets for today.  Have a peaceful sleep family & friends. :)

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