Today I received my new skin care system in the mail. It's called derm Exclusive. For the longest time I have had to deal with super oily skin that often breaks-out. I started going to a dermatologist in my teens & continued until I was in my 20s and no longer covered by insurance for it. Thankfully by then my skin had finally gotten much better. Years later with our first baby on the way, my skin flared up again & I used Proactiv. It worked great for awhile but then I had to stop using it because it dried out my skin too much. I couldn't get a balance. Part way through my 2nd pregnancy my skin flared up again. I turned to Proactiv again & after I got it under control I quit using it for the same reasons as before. As the years passed. my skin started losing some of that oil & I found I needed something different to treat break-outs yet keep the moisture I needed with age. I started using Mary Kay products & was so pleased. They not only helped keep my skin under control for blemishes but helped keep it hydrated & looking healthy & young. When I found out last month that Beachbody now offered a skin care system...well you can imagine my excitement. I put my order in at the end of last week & here it is.
As I started reading the pamphlet of information I started opening the products & I don't know if you experience this ever but I get this tingly feeling on my head, almost like goosebumps sometimes & as I was opening each product I had that tingly sensation. Can't wait to use everything & start seeing & feeling a difference in my skin. I'd love to have the blotchiness near my nose lighten or even disappear. I'll share my results with all of you. If you are interested in trying derm Exclusive out, contact me or visit my website & sign up for the FREE Beachbody club & then place your order. My coach ID is 96864 in case you need to enter that.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on your current skincare regimen. Now I'm off for some more goosebumps on my head & to use my products.