I can't even believe that it has been nearly 2 weeks since I had the hysterectomy surgery done. Time really has passed by quickly. I thought, okay, I'm unable to do a bunch of stuff because of restrictions of lifting or pushing, and I really need to heal so I'll behave & take it easy & even be able to post a few updates on the blog." Haha what a funny joke. Even with my mom here to help out & so many friends dropping off meals for us (which was sooooooooo helpful, thank you from our happy bellies), I was unable to find the time to sit at my computer to share an update. And I really am not a fan of trying to update via my phone so that was why you haven't heard much from me lately. I am up & moving about quite nicely. I still have to be careful with lifting anything too heavy or pushing things and bending (good thing my parents bought me a grabber nabber as Braly calls it to help me pick things off the floor without bending much.) I showed it to you all months ago & it was sitting in the closet for awhile but has resurfaced for the time being. Tomorrow Adam will take me to Green Bay for my 2 week check up and I am fully prepared to hear that I can drive again & that everything looks great. I feel great. I actually couldn't believe how tired I was for the first several days. I mean, I would get up & help get the kids ready for school (that just really means that I woke them up most days & then bossed them around from my place on the couch & then kissed them good bye.) I am feeling quite good right now & will keep this very short compared to most of my posts as I really am in need of some sleep in order to be ready to leave for GB on time tomorrow.
BTW, I am still doing pretty good with my daily Bible reading of the chronological plan. Did you start a plan this year? How's it going? I'm so pleased that I'm only a few days behind but should be able to make that up tomorrow with 4 hours in the van. It is amazing how God has used this time in my life to make good out of what was meant to be evil. He is teaching me so much and I am learning something every day just by setting aside time to spend with Him. And I am trying to encourage my children to do the same. Being consistent can be hard so until something becomes a habit, you just have to start where you're at and do your best to go from there. Keeping in mind that there will be slip-ups but no need to not get right back where you left off. God is full of mercy & grace. So give it a whirl! Start with just 5 minutes if you feel you don't think you could possibly fit one more thing into your schedule and before you know it, you will be craving the time with God & reading his word. At least that's how I've felt. Just like I tell people when it comes to exercising, "Just press Play!" Just open your Bible or your app (which you can set a reminder with) and read. A few options are to start by reading the book of Luke. Or you could start a plan of some sort. Like the chronological one I'm doing. Buy maybe that seems overwhelming and reading just 1 chapter a day would be your cup of tea. Well then read 1 chapter of Proverbs, it's the book of wisdom. Or the Psalms are great. My friend Katie is going to be featuring a chapter of Psalms on her blog each day in June. I'll share the link when she's got it up so you can check it out. I actually
just read part of Joshua and wanted to share a verse that is stated several times in Joshua when the Israelites had crossed over the Jordan and were securing the land that the Lord had said he'd give to them.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
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