It has taken me a week to have the time and the mind to sit down and type this message. Last Wednesday night, the earth lost a lovely, beautiful, soul and Heaven gained one. My Gram went to be with Jesus. She lived a fairly long & wonderful life. It was filled with ups and downs but she always trusted God to bring her through each valley. She loved God so much and one of my favorite things about her was that she always had people in her home for small group/Bible Studies. I learned so much from my parents bringing me to her & my Grampa's house to be taught about God's Word. I remember going there from a very young age. We would sing worship songs & hymns, which was one of my favorite parts. She was always so welcoming & hospitable to those who entered her home. I told her a few times over the last few years after Adam & I had some small groups meet in our home, that it was neat to have our place filled with the Holy Spirit and to share God's love & Word with others, just like she & Grampa did in their home. I thanked her for being such a good example to us since I was a little girl. I could never compare my hospitality to hers because we did things differently but I know she was pleased when I told her that we hosted small groups. I still remember going to my Gram's with my mom and the song that the ladies would sing when they gathered for Bible Study & then had lunch. "Be present at our table Lord, be here and ev'rywhere adored, His mercy bless and grant that we, may feast in paradise with thee. Amen" I loved listening to my Gram sing, especially when she'd harmonize with her siblings. Such beautiful music and harmony. I bet the choir in heaven sounds even better now with her there but oh how I miss her warm smile. Her heart was for God and was just BEAUTIFUL!!!

Those who know my Gram, knew that she was a phenomenal cook. I think she was not only skilled in the kitchen & knew what things complimented each other nicely but the love that she put into her cooking made it taste EVEN better. I wouldn't doubt if she prayed a blessing upon the food as she prepared it. She always had something to eat, even when one would stop by unannounced. I'm not sure how she did it, but she was amazing! One of my favorite places to go was to her & Grampa's house. It was full of love, joy, peace, fun, & good food (her bread was delicious, her cinnamon rolls were divine, spaghetti that none compared to, oh how I could go on & on)

Gram would cook a delicious & HUGE meal for any gathering or holiday and us older granddaughters and aunts would help clean up after the meal was done. Aunt Lynne always made cleaning up a lot of fun & so memorable. At Christmas, we'd put music on & sing & dance (I'm no good at dancing either lol) and we'd get all the leftovers put away & dishes washed & put away. Gram loved to watch movies, she loved to laugh, sing, & visit. She had a knack for knowing when a camera was on her & she's 'pose' though our joke was often the opposite after she was telling someone one time to "Act Natural" with the camera around & as soon as she realized it was on her she posed. We laughed so hard. But as you can see from photos, she was beautiful on the outside too. Like drop dead Gorge-wah! Yes, I miss my Gram but I know that she is filled with joy, her body is healthy & strong, she's in God's presence and that is EXACTLY what she was designed for at her mansion in Heaven. So this Saturday, when we celebrate and remember Gram, we'll shed tears because we miss her but we will laugh & sing & be joyful for we know that the Bible says those that ask Jesus into their hearts will leave this earth & go to be with God in heaven. Gram, we'll see you on the other side. We love you dearly & are praising God for allowing us to be a part of your life & that you were such a blessing to soooooo many. I will see you, but I plan to grow old here first so I can leave a legacy to my family & those God puts along my journey the way you did. I miss you and love you Gram!!!
Beautiful tribute Jeannette to your amazing Gram....your Gram's hospitality gift was top notch !! I still remember the first dinner(many others) we had with her and your Grandpa in the late 70's....a long table seated so many and the best food ever. I agree her cooking was so delicious, a woman of so many talents, beauty inside and out. It was our first time to the UP. What an exciting adventure!! The love and excitement of God's love poured out of Jackie/Gram and all your family toward us....We love you all ..We will all see her again and I know the reunion with Kim, Grandpa Kenny she longed for and all her family/friends who went on before her are now enjoying her big beautiful smile/heart/love. Love to all of you...Julie and Fred
ReplyDeleteThank you Julie for sharing that. I didn't realize that you had been in the UP since the 70s. I think I vaguely remember being in your house once when I was little.
DeleteGram's service was great. A few technical difficulties but Gram would have laughed and the Pastor shared the gospel just like she asked so I'm sure she was smiling her big, sweet, genuine smile!
What a gorgeous lady inside and out!! This was beautiful, and easy to see how she had an affect on you in so many ways. My sympathy to you, Jet, and to all her family and friends.
ReplyDeleteThank you Tammy. You would have loved her!