As I sit here typing I hear a soft voice talking to the computer from behind me. The house is mostly quiet & dark. Why? Half of our family is missing....well, not really 'missing' but away and it feels strange. There is a timer ticking on the game Morgan is playing and Sadie's day has been completely disrupted for getting her up early & out the door so her nap was early but after grocery shopping after picking Morgan up from school, she simply couldn't keep her eyes open and fell asleep on the way home. Who could blame the sweet girl. It's been quite an unusual day. But she's tough & resilient. I'm just nervous that she'll stay up far too late & that means I will too & perhaps school will still be on if this storm doesn't really hit.

The wind is gusting outside and we are snug & warm tinkering away at the keyboards. I am thankful that though it was a whirlwind to get Adam, Gabby, & Braly packed yesterday to leave for Kids Blast early this morning in order to miss driving through the storm that is supposed to hit, it was worth it. They arrived safely & will even have some extra time to spend in the water-park. What fun! I miss going. I kinda wish I would have been able to go this year since I enjoy spending the time with not only my kids but the other kids from our church. It's so neat to see them connect with God. It's great to see about 2,000 people worshiping God together in song, giving, & learning from his Word. The classes to choose from on Saturday are done in the fashion that most conferences are and it is a fabulous opportunity for kids of younger ages 3rd-6th grade to get to experience.

A few years ago there was a class about
not being fearful that a certain girl attended. She used to be quite fearful and after the class & much praying, the fear that seemed to grasp so hard at her subsided. It still crops it's ugly head sometimes but all in all, that fear is in check. There have been some great classes taught in the years past and it's neat that the kids get to form better friendships with other kids from our church. I am thankful that our older two get to attend this special event & that Adam gets to attend it with them. He's such an amazing dad & does a phenomenal job with the boys he helps with on the trip & he's a good safe driver!

Morgan was so bummed that she didn't get to go again this year. It will be her chance sooner than she could ever imagine. She got a small taste of it when she was younger & we brought her along as we helped out. And now each year she asks if she can go again. Not yet we tell her. Soon. She cried BIG tears this morning as they were climbing into the church van. She just squeezed my leg and cried silently. She still had to go to school for the day. I walked her in since she brought Gabby's talking globe to share with the class as they learn about Africa & Tanzania, which is where their amazing teacher got to go this past summer. They even get to Skype with some people she met on the trip & keeps in contact with. It's a great way to introduce 1st graders to the world around them & show them that the Earth is a big place. They've learned Swahili and Morgan just loves it. As she walked down the hallway to the gym for me to pick her up today, she was telling everyone bye in Swahili. So cute! Mrs. M., you are an AMAZING teacher! Simply PHENOMENAL!!!!
I am thankful for this special time with my two youngest, especially after having some time on Sunday with the older two alone. God has blessed us so much! He is faithful. Always faithful.
Let me leave you with my life verse. This verse has ALWAYS been my favorite
since I was a little girl about 5 years old. And the neat thing is, it keeps showing up in the book I've been reading and is such a personal & great reminder to me.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever!
This my favorite also. Grammy Chery
ReplyDeleteAh, missed this post somehow. I hope they had a wonderful time!