Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. I know that I am blessed to be a mom and I'll explain more about why I am blessed in a bit. First off though, I am a mom to 4 wonderful and challenging children here and an angel baby in heaven. I am also mom to another boy that is staying with us until the end of school and I am sort of like a mom to many other children that I come into contact with while I volunteer my time at the schools and our church. I was sharing yesterday with my son that while I was growing up, I had the opportunity that when I grew out of the different groups I was involved in, I was able to volunteer as a helper with kids. I was in AWANA and after I finished, I helped out with the younger kids. When I was too old for Vacation Bible School (VBS) I volunteered to help out with the kids. My mom used to take my 3 sisters and myself to 4-H Family Camp each summer and when I was too old to be a part of it, I applied to be a counselor and was assigned to the 2-4 year old group. After I graduated from college and my internship, I was looking for a job and wasn't finding the right fit and I ended up babysitting for these 3 beautiful girls for a few years. One of those girls graduates this year and even though I don't hear from them, I know that I impacted their lives, even for the few years that I took care of them. And how much more could I impact the lives of 4 children that God placed in mine and Adam's care for the rest of their lives. No, they won't be living with us forever but that doesn't mean they won't call home and ask questions like I do with my parents still.

So this morning, I was praying and spending time with God while in the bathroom. It seems to be one of the best places to do it as a mom that has many other things to take care of throughout the day. And by starting this habit over the last few months, it has helped me to be consistent with spending time with God. I know it might sound a little strange but it works for me. LoL Anyway, I purchased a few pictures on clearance when the Family Dollar Store was going out of business and I hung 2 of the pictures in my bathroom because they are good reminders for me. I was praying while in the shower and when I was out, I saw the picture that says TRUST....Believe in HIM at all times.
So I was talking with God and telling him that I trust Him that I believe His word is truth and I started quoting scriptures to go along with this. Then I saw the other picture and the top portion of it says Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see Hebrews 11:1.

And I said it a few times. Then I started to say, well I know that you've already healed me because I
believe your
word is truth and in your word it says that "By His stripes, I've been healed." and then I said, and I'm certain that I don't see it yet in the physical realm, and then chuckled a little because I know that's not what the verse means exactly. It's supposed to mean that I am certain that even though I don't see, feel, or touch it (ya know, using my 5 senses) in the physical realm right this instant, I know it's already done in the spirit realm. And I was struggling with that a little. And so I told God that and then my mind drifted to today being mother's day and how I feel so blessed to be a mom and that God has and is still teaching me so much about his love and compassion for us as his children and He has showed me these things because I am a mom. And I was thinking how nice it is that I have this opportunity to learn more of God, just by being a mom. And that's when the Holy Spirit showed me that as a parent, when my children are sick, I do anything in my power to make them better. And that is the same with God. When his children are sick, he will heal us. And that is when it clicked for me. I
know that I am a child of God. I
know that God wants me well. What father wouldn't want his children well right? And if it was in my power to make my children well I would do it.
I believe that God has that power! And because I
truly believe he has the power
and I am His child.....here is the revelation....I am
certain of what I do not see!!!!!!!!!!!! I am
CERTAIN that He has healed me!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise God!!!
That's it! That simple. I love how he uses me being a mom to teach me things. So happy mother's day to all the moms out there. I may not know you but God knows you and he genuinely LOVES YOU! No matter how you have become a mom or what kind of mom you are. God loves you! Talk to him, he wants to hear from you more than an emergency call. He wants a relationship with you!
For by grace you have been saved through faith and not of yourselves it is the gift of God, not by works of righteousness lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
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