Hey guys, I didn't want you to feel left out so I'm posting this message to you but you need to hurry quick in order to get in on this challenge. No, it's not to wear a little black dress...lol. How would you guys like to look great in a nice suit? Here's the challenge for you. Contact me for details but you must HURRY! Time is running out to join this challenge.
coachjetta7@gmail.com or friend me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/jeannette.pierce
I am a wife and a mother of 4 kids. I often share about my faith in Christ,the journey of healing from metastatic breast cancer, organization and I also promote healthy lifestyle choices.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
Black Dress Challenge

Saturday, November 17, 2012
My talent is.... :)
You've heard it before. Everyone's got talents and gifts. Some are great teachers, leaders, possess an 'eye' for photography, can decorate a cake like no one's business, able to create an event that is unbelievable, is an idea person, creative, etc. Some have to look a little harder for that talent. I think I'm one of those people. Sure I can do a lot of things. I try stuff until I succeed. I often say "fake it until I make it". But I was beginning to wonder what was something that I'm really, I mean REALLY good at. I once asked my kids what they thought I was really good at & do you know what their answer was? It didn't take them long to say it either..... Talking. Mom you can talk a lot. I laughed & said, no what am I good at. And that's what they stuck with. So when I found this quote about super powers & I've had people tell me that I'm good at getting people to talk things through....I decided this quote was fitting. So now I"m gonna say, My Superpower is communication. Doesn't mean I'm perfect at it...I"m not saying that but I am pretty good at it & I consider it a blessing & a talent. What is your superpower? i.e. talent
Friday, November 9, 2012
I love Deals
I've been trying to get the present shopping for Christmas done early this year. Adam's work hours get super crazy this month & I don't want to be stressed trying to finish things. I'd love to have extra time with the kids to relax & watch movies, do crafts, play board games & video games & just make memories. So I've been shopping online & in the stores for the last two weeks. I've had some dress pants in the shopping cart at Kohl's for Adam for about 1 1/2 weeks. I keep looking at it & can't believe the price of "NO Iron" pants. (a must since I don't always have time to iron so he looks nice). I was bummed when the sale that was going on ended & the price jacked up so high. I waited a few more days & the price went down a little. Then another few days & a price change again for my benefit. And then I remembered what a neighbor had told me....when she buys things online she'll google some codes for discounts. And that's just what I did. I got 2 codes for Kohl's and saved a bunch of money. My original price of 6 pairs of dress pants was around $180, then with no sales it went up to about $350 ($300 for 5 pairs). I decided to buy 5 pairs instead of 6 & with my savings codes as well as FREE shipping, I paid just under $110. Woohooo!!!! Savings of about $190 I'll take that kind of savings any day!
TIP: Google discount codes for the place you are shopping before you check out.
Happy Shopping & I hope you save like I did. I just <3 deals! After all, we've heard it (and probably even said it to our kids a million times) money doesn't grow on trees! :)
TIP: Google discount codes for the place you are shopping before you check out.
Happy Shopping & I hope you save like I did. I just <3 deals! After all, we've heard it (and probably even said it to our kids a million times) money doesn't grow on trees! :)
Friday, October 12, 2012
Insanity: My work in progress
My last post was Aug 27th when I started Insanity. I haven't been posting because I've got a lot going on, which means blogging is one of the first things that falls off my list in order to keep things moving along. I don't like that it happens this way because I love sharing but I have responsibilities that I can't skip.
We are all works in progress, all the time. I happen to be a work in progress in many areas & in my quest for being healthier & making healthier decisions I am trying to move more & eat less so I can be stronger, more flexible have more energy, & less weight on my joints. Those were some of the main reason I decided to start Insanity at the end of August.
In case you didn't know, Insanity is intended to be a 60 day workout program. You workout for 6 days rest on the 7th & repeat that. Of course you could do more than one round of it but right now my focus is to complete my first round. The name of this program is very fitting. Not only are the drills Insane but you WILL get Insane results when you do the drills as they are intended. I knew before I started Insanity that the drills were intended for people that can handle a lot of jumping. I was warned but that didn't stop my curiosity of ordering my own copy & trying it out for myself. I figured that I could modify it if needed & probably still get some nice results. It is slow going but I wasn't wrong. I can literally feel my waist shrinking. I'm getting stronger in many areas of my body & I am overcoming so much head junk that it feels good. Head junk? ya know, those 'reasons/excuses' that you come up with not to exercise, those reasons that make it easy to give up & do what seems easier like enjoy a bowl of ice cream or eat unhealthy foods, watch tv, or mess on the computer.
Wanna know how I measure up? Okay, here it is. Simply put...I'm out of shape! I gained 45 pounds while pregnant with Sadie, despite trying to be careful of what I was eating. I figure my body was just used to gaining that much weight during pregnancy since that's what I gained with all 4 of my babies. Frustrating? yes, especially since I had lost weight & many inches prior to becoming pregnant. BUT we were blessed with a beautiful & healthy baby girl in April so I silence my frustration with thankfulness. While pregnant I experienced some issues with my hips & back which caused some difficulty with being able to workout at a high intensity like I did prior to becoming pregnant. That too was frustrating & I had to fight myself because I was finding it was so easy to fall into excuses of not doing anything for movement when I knew I couldn't do my Insanity workout. So there are a few excuses I used for not doing Insanity 6 days a week when I started. I certainly started out strong but then took some days off of it. Having a baby again & nursing her too has proved challenging to find the right time to exercise each day. Dealing with lack of sleep now that she's been waking in the middle of the night to eat & teething fussiness has made it EXTREMELY difficult to climb out of bed most mornings let a lone add a scheduled workout to my day. But I am trying to squash those 'reasons' to put off my morning workout & JUST DO IT! Hey, there was a reason that Nike made that their catch phrase. They target athletes & those that want to be like athletes.
I made myself a deal that when the alarm goes off I will hop out of bed & get myself ready to workout as quickly as possible. I will put the DVD in & press play & do as much of my workout as possible before it hits 7am when I need to get my kids up & ready for school. Then when they have been picked up I will feed the baby again & then press play AGAIN in order to finish my workout for the day. I don't like to listen to my baby cry so if she's crying & needs me, I have to pause the program. Sometimes its a bit more challenging to get my workout done because not only do I have to overcome the desire to slack & skip pressing play that first time but I have to do it several times in one day. I guess its just good practice for me. One baby-step at a time will make me better at getting up with my alarm & eventually I will work toward the alarm going off earlier. Does the baby go with my schedule? Nope, not my dream schedule. But I am determined to work around her because I will be able to care for her better & I will eventually have less hip & back pain as I strengthen my core & get closer to my weight goal. Changing my dream schedule is what I must do. It too is a work in progress.
The Insanity workouts have a lot, well I really should say, a TON of jumping in the drills that are being done. What does this mean for me? A few things. first, my knee joints aren't the greatest (bad genes for joints so I must take care of them) but I have learned to modify & still get results and then there is the topic of incontinence. I only share this TMI info because it might help someone else overcome this excuse.
WARNING: TMI about to be shared here. Sorry but I know I'm not the only one with this issue & I almost used it as a 'good reason' not to exercise. Someone like myself who has had 4 babies sometimes finds it difficult to exercise because there can be issues with bladder control with jumping or running. Heck, I've heard women talk about too much laughter & their bladder doesn't hold. Solution ladies: Poise pads. Yup, I figure I won't need them forever and wearing them for a 45 minute workout solves the issue for now & takes away that excuse. End of WARNING!
I find it great to be able to exercise in the privacy of my own home gym. Why? I'm uncoordinated, lack rhythm, I'm S-L-O-W, & weak. Who am I kidding...I found it difficult to even do a girl push up when I started exercising again Because I'm slow I sometimes cut out one move in a drill in order to get the rest in. I can't kick as high, jump as high, move as fast, etc for the drills but I can certainly tell you that I have improved since first putting the Insanity DVD in on August 27th and that's all I'm personally aiming for. Instead of comparing myself to what the Shaun T or the others on the DVDs can do, I'm comparing myself to what I could do when I started & measuring from there. I can honestly say that I have a long way to go & since I'm sometimes in far too much hip & back pain to press play on Insanity & therefore have to choose my stationary bike or something else, it may take me awhile to complete the 60 day workout. I don't care if it takes me 3 months or even 4 months to finish this 2 month program. I'm determined to do it. I know that I am gaining strength, losing inches, gaining muscle, gaining flexibility, & losing fat along the way. It may be a slow process, I may be slow, but it works for me & that's what counts. So I press on & persevere!
That reminds me of a few scriptures I use to help me keep going. Philippians 3:13b-14 Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Another great one is found in James 1:2-4 2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers , whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
I hope that I have inspired someone to throw the excuses/reasons out the door & do something healthy for yourself . No its not easy but it is so worth the effort & energy to reach your goals & dreams. Think positive. You can do it!!!
We are all works in progress, all the time. I happen to be a work in progress in many areas & in my quest for being healthier & making healthier decisions I am trying to move more & eat less so I can be stronger, more flexible have more energy, & less weight on my joints. Those were some of the main reason I decided to start Insanity at the end of August.

I made myself a deal that when the alarm goes off I will hop out of bed & get myself ready to workout as quickly as possible. I will put the DVD in & press play & do as much of my workout as possible before it hits 7am when I need to get my kids up & ready for school. Then when they have been picked up I will feed the baby again & then press play AGAIN in order to finish my workout for the day. I don't like to listen to my baby cry so if she's crying & needs me, I have to pause the program. Sometimes its a bit more challenging to get my workout done because not only do I have to overcome the desire to slack & skip pressing play that first time but I have to do it several times in one day. I guess its just good practice for me. One baby-step at a time will make me better at getting up with my alarm & eventually I will work toward the alarm going off earlier. Does the baby go with my schedule? Nope, not my dream schedule. But I am determined to work around her because I will be able to care for her better & I will eventually have less hip & back pain as I strengthen my core & get closer to my weight goal. Changing my dream schedule is what I must do. It too is a work in progress.
The Insanity workouts have a lot, well I really should say, a TON of jumping in the drills that are being done. What does this mean for me? A few things. first, my knee joints aren't the greatest (bad genes for joints so I must take care of them) but I have learned to modify & still get results and then there is the topic of incontinence. I only share this TMI info because it might help someone else overcome this excuse.
WARNING: TMI about to be shared here. Sorry but I know I'm not the only one with this issue & I almost used it as a 'good reason' not to exercise. Someone like myself who has had 4 babies sometimes finds it difficult to exercise because there can be issues with bladder control with jumping or running. Heck, I've heard women talk about too much laughter & their bladder doesn't hold. Solution ladies: Poise pads. Yup, I figure I won't need them forever and wearing them for a 45 minute workout solves the issue for now & takes away that excuse. End of WARNING!
I find it great to be able to exercise in the privacy of my own home gym. Why? I'm uncoordinated, lack rhythm, I'm S-L-O-W, & weak. Who am I kidding...I found it difficult to even do a girl push up when I started exercising again Because I'm slow I sometimes cut out one move in a drill in order to get the rest in. I can't kick as high, jump as high, move as fast, etc for the drills but I can certainly tell you that I have improved since first putting the Insanity DVD in on August 27th and that's all I'm personally aiming for. Instead of comparing myself to what the Shaun T or the others on the DVDs can do, I'm comparing myself to what I could do when I started & measuring from there. I can honestly say that I have a long way to go & since I'm sometimes in far too much hip & back pain to press play on Insanity & therefore have to choose my stationary bike or something else, it may take me awhile to complete the 60 day workout. I don't care if it takes me 3 months or even 4 months to finish this 2 month program. I'm determined to do it. I know that I am gaining strength, losing inches, gaining muscle, gaining flexibility, & losing fat along the way. It may be a slow process, I may be slow, but it works for me & that's what counts. So I press on & persevere!
That reminds me of a few scriptures I use to help me keep going. Philippians 3:13b-14 Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Another great one is found in James 1:2-4 2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers , whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
I hope that I have inspired someone to throw the excuses/reasons out the door & do something healthy for yourself . No its not easy but it is so worth the effort & energy to reach your goals & dreams. Think positive. You can do it!!!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Pretty in Pink
You may have seen on FB that I posted that a wonderful box including Insanity came to our house on Friday last week. I took some time over the weekend to read through it & prepare my mind for this new journey, adventure, quest that I ended up starting this morning. I took my measurements & was pleasantly surprised that when I measured back on July 20th and then today I was down 6.5 inches around my body & 3.2 pounds. That means that I've lost a total of 27.2 pounds so far and a total of about 15.25 inches. I say about because it is hard to know exactly what my measurements were since being pregnant.
So where is the "Pretty in Pink" Part? Well anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE color. I like glitzy, sparkly, beautiful, pretty things & I like crafty things too. I figured that if I make things cute & pretty I will be more likely to stick with my workout. I could have gone over the top with this project but wanted to get it done & get my fit test done so here is what I did.
1.Copied my Exercise Tracker onto (2) 8.5 x 11 sheets of paper.
2. Taped it together with scotch tape being careful not to put it over any part I need to write on.
3. Added some pretty, decorative duct tape. I cut a strip for the long side & then tore it in half lengthwise so that I could use it on both of the long sides. Then trimmed them.
4. I cut one for the short side & tore it lengthwise as well & applied it to both short sides. Trim sides.
Makes it a little more sturdy and pretty to help call attention to it so I do my workout each day. Using pretty colored pens to write my numbers & check off each day are a must too. I have Paper Mate Profile 1.4B in a variety of colors. I am SUPER picky about my pens when I journal. I dislike when they skip or cause indentations when writing.& my hubby got these for me. Remember when I said I like color! Well they are colorful & they write smoothly. Love them & recommend them!
What do you think of my tracker? Simple & fun right????
So where is the "Pretty in Pink" Part? Well anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE color. I like glitzy, sparkly, beautiful, pretty things & I like crafty things too. I figured that if I make things cute & pretty I will be more likely to stick with my workout. I could have gone over the top with this project but wanted to get it done & get my fit test done so here is what I did.
1.Copied my Exercise Tracker onto (2) 8.5 x 11 sheets of paper.
2. Taped it together with scotch tape being careful not to put it over any part I need to write on.
3. Added some pretty, decorative duct tape. I cut a strip for the long side & then tore it in half lengthwise so that I could use it on both of the long sides. Then trimmed them.
4. I cut one for the short side & tore it lengthwise as well & applied it to both short sides. Trim sides.
Makes it a little more sturdy and pretty to help call attention to it so I do my workout each day. Using pretty colored pens to write my numbers & check off each day are a must too. I have Paper Mate Profile 1.4B in a variety of colors. I am SUPER picky about my pens when I journal. I dislike when they skip or cause indentations when writing.& my hubby got these for me. Remember when I said I like color! Well they are colorful & they write smoothly. Love them & recommend them!
What do you think of my tracker? Simple & fun right????
my favorites,
Thursday, July 19, 2012
So excited

As I started reading the pamphlet of information I started opening the products & I don't know if you experience this ever but I get this tingly feeling on my head, almost like goosebumps sometimes & as I was opening each product I had that tingly sensation. Can't wait to use everything & start seeing & feeling a difference in my skin. I'd love to have the blotchiness near my nose lighten or even disappear. I'll share my results with all of you. If you are interested in trying derm Exclusive out, contact me or visit my website & sign up for the FREE Beachbody club & then place your order. My coach ID is 96864 in case you need to enter that.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on your current skincare regimen. Now I'm off for some more goosebumps on my head & to use my products.
Friday, June 29, 2012
MISSING: Teeth but we don't need them returned. lol :)
Last summer on our trip to South Carolina, Braly lost his 2 front bottom teeth. He didn't lose any all year. When he got his teeth cleaned in May they told me he had 6 loose teeth. He said he wanted to lose them all at once. He's so silly. When we were in Sheboygan I had to cut his corn off the cob so he could eat it because his teeth were loose. Just a few days later he lost one on June4th by pulling it all by himself. Then the other one was ready & he got Grammy Cheryl to pull it on June 5th when she came to help me use my new Kitchen Aid mixer to make bread for the first time in it. Just noticed that he isn't wearing his glasses in the new pic. That's because he was ready for bed when I took the picture.
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Lost first 2 teeth in July 2011 |
Lost another 2 teeth June 2012 |
On Friday June 1st, we packed the van & headed south. First we stopped in Green Bay so Auntie Renee` could meet Sadie. Then we headed the rest of the way to Sheboygan, WI to visit the Gilberts. It had been nearly a year since they moved but with our trip last year to South & North Carolina to visit family & celebrate Grammy Helen's 100th birthday (a little late) & then finding out we were expecting a baby, we didn't make it down to visit. So it was a trip that was long overdue.
Here's Tita Belinda & Sadie
Yummy Cherries
By the river
Belinda & I used to sit outside in her backyard chatting about anything & everything when they lived in Esky. There was a lot of visiting that happened because we had to play catch up but since it wasn't just the 2 of us, Belinda had many fun things planned so everyone enjoyed themselves. All I can say is I could have sat for hours on end talking with my best friend but sure enjoyed all of us doing the fun things that were planned. We ate at the Pizza Ranch. It was our first time there & we found out that to get the buffet for the kids you pay according to their ages. The lady cashier was SUPER nice. She started by guessing that Morgan was 4. Morgan gave her a strange look & she said, you're 5 aren't you? Morgan said yes. Then she went to Braly & guessed that he was 7. She was right. Adam & I were smiling & when I looked at him he said, this ought to be funny. I wholeheartedly agreed & laughed a little. The cashier looked at Gabby, smiled a little & then asked if Braly & Gabby were twins. Nope. She said, Oh, okay. Then she said, are you 8? We laughed & said no. She asked 9? We said yes. What we didn't go on to explain was that Gabby would be turning 10 in just 20 days. The lady proceeded to guess how old even Sadie was. SHe was good, I'll give her that but Gabby can throw even the best off their game since she doesn't look her age. lol
Friday evening Sadie & I joined Belinda for her small group called "Affordable Style". Sadie was a sweet angel baby & barely fussed the entire time. Saturday was great too. Belinda planned a picnic by the river for us followed by dessert at The Greenhouse which was such a cute & beautiful place & the homemade ice cream was divine. I was going to just share with others but it was so Delicious that I had Adam buy me my own to go since I had been taking care of Sadie. Oh my GOSH it was so YuuuuuuuMMY!!! Later for dinner we had a BBQ & then took a tour of the church building. I loved what the plans were for the space that they have. Really neat to see how they are changing things & making it so Family Friendly with how you bring your kids to their rooms & where they are located.. On Sunday we got to hear Chris preach about how we need to stop living our lives in spiritual isolation. Great message! We enjoyed a wonderful brunch following church & then all too soon it was time to head back home. Course you may have assumed it but I may as well tell you, Belinda & I fit in as much chatting as we could throughout the whole weekend.
Kids had fun with the tree in Tita & Tito's backyard
I think this is our first Family Picture since Sadie was born.
The girls!
Tito ready to preach.
We stopped in Green Bay again so that the rest of the Mleczkos could meet Sadie. They have a fantastic backyard (minus the dog poo lol) for the kids to play. The boys tossed the football around with each other & the dads & the girls played in the fort & on the slide while Sadie was fed & changed & then it was time to hit the road again.
Emma & Sadie
We are so blessed to have pretty good travelers (minus the car sickness once in awhile, but we've got coffee cans for that now). I recently bought some organizers to hang on the seats of the van so I think our next trip will be even smoother. Hope we got the cup holder snafoo figured out. Morgan had a pop from BK in the back cup holders & for whatever reason they decided to make them huge out of that hard plastic & when we turned, the cup slid right out & crashed to the floor spilling & getting everything wet & sticky. I put those insulated pop holders back there hoping that will help but we haven't tested them yet.
Look for a post with the new organizers being featured soon. I love finding ways to organize my space be it in the house or in my van & I like sharing it with others. I know I"m not the only one that has kids & needs to travel at times. I can't stand a messy vehicle so when I found this idea on Pinterest I thought I'd try it myself. If you have any organizing ideas, please share. I'd love to hear them.
Here's Tita Belinda & Sadie
Yummy Cherries
By the river
Friday evening Sadie & I joined Belinda for her small group called "Affordable Style". Sadie was a sweet angel baby & barely fussed the entire time. Saturday was great too. Belinda planned a picnic by the river for us followed by dessert at The Greenhouse which was such a cute & beautiful place & the homemade ice cream was divine. I was going to just share with others but it was so Delicious that I had Adam buy me my own to go since I had been taking care of Sadie. Oh my GOSH it was so YuuuuuuuMMY!!! Later for dinner we had a BBQ & then took a tour of the church building. I loved what the plans were for the space that they have. Really neat to see how they are changing things & making it so Family Friendly with how you bring your kids to their rooms & where they are located.. On Sunday we got to hear Chris preach about how we need to stop living our lives in spiritual isolation. Great message! We enjoyed a wonderful brunch following church & then all too soon it was time to head back home. Course you may have assumed it but I may as well tell you, Belinda & I fit in as much chatting as we could throughout the whole weekend.
Kids had fun with the tree in Tita & Tito's backyard
I think this is our first Family Picture since Sadie was born.
The girls!
Tito ready to preach.
We stopped in Green Bay again so that the rest of the Mleczkos could meet Sadie. They have a fantastic backyard (minus the dog poo lol) for the kids to play. The boys tossed the football around with each other & the dads & the girls played in the fort & on the slide while Sadie was fed & changed & then it was time to hit the road again.
Emma & Sadie
We are so blessed to have pretty good travelers (minus the car sickness once in awhile, but we've got coffee cans for that now). I recently bought some organizers to hang on the seats of the van so I think our next trip will be even smoother. Hope we got the cup holder snafoo figured out. Morgan had a pop from BK in the back cup holders & for whatever reason they decided to make them huge out of that hard plastic & when we turned, the cup slid right out & crashed to the floor spilling & getting everything wet & sticky. I put those insulated pop holders back there hoping that will help but we haven't tested them yet.
Look for a post with the new organizers being featured soon. I love finding ways to organize my space be it in the house or in my van & I like sharing it with others. I know I"m not the only one that has kids & needs to travel at times. I can't stand a messy vehicle so when I found this idea on Pinterest I thought I'd try it myself. If you have any organizing ideas, please share. I'd love to hear them.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
4 words that kill success
Want to be successful? Who doesn't right? Well don't use the phrase "I already know that". These 4 words make up a phrase that I've been trying to get my children to stop using but until my husband brought this short article home from work, I didn't realize why it was so important for them not to say "I already know that".
As soon as you start to think you know everything, learning experts say your mind shuts down. What happens, experts believe, is that an "ego-based mindset" makes it practically impossible for you to learn new things, grow your awareness, and achieve greater successes and breakthroughs.
You live in a world of constant change. Speed of change, the globalization of the work environment, and increased use of technology impact the flow of information used by organizations.
Individuals, too, are feeling the impact of these trends and finding it harder to keep up with the new demands in the workplace. They are finding their approaches to doing anything can become quickly outdated and their knowledge they acquired years ago is rapidly becoming obsolete. To thrive in today's world, people are realizing that formal training is not enough and that they need an open mind to all forms of learning.
In "The Fifth Discipline," author Peter Senge says a learning organization is"an organization that is continually expanding its capacity to create its future." He points out it is continuously learning new ways of doing things and also, forgetting old ways of doing things.
In "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," author Stephen R. Covey calls Habit 7,"taking time to sharpen the saw. exercising our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual dimensions regularly and consistently in wise and balanced ways."
"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether this happens at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps on learning not only remains young, but becomes constantly more valuable regardless of physical capacity." -Harvey Ullman
This is why self development is so important & having a good attitude about it because it helps us succeed at not only our business but in our personal lives & relationships. Always seek to learn something new.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Sadie's Newborn Photo shoot
This is long overdue. No excuses. Just reality that it is harder to balance everything with 4 kids. I must say though, I am super blessed (when Daddy is at work) that I have 3 helpers who change diapers & help hold Sadie when she needs some lovin & I have to do other things like cook.
Michelle Monson Photography http://www.michellemonsonphotography.blogspot.com/ did this photo shoot & she has the patience of an angel. She not only says, its okay if it takes a while to get baby to sleep but she means it & helps put mom at ease. Sadie must have felt slightly out of her comfort zone because she would eat, fall asleep, & then wake up rather quickly. Hard to position her when she kept waking up but I think that Michelle got some fantastic pics of her. I cherish these pics. Kinda wish that this was the 'in thing' when the other 3 were babies.
These were taken when Sadie Kieran was about 10 days old. She's now 2 1/2 months old. Wow, the time sure has flown quickly.
I've numbered them so you can share in the comment section below which are your favorites.
P.S. I LOVE comments so be sure to weigh in on your favorites!!! Thanks
Don't forget to leave a comment! And stay tuned as I figure out how to fit blogging back into my schedule on a regular basis because I have more pics to share. Sadie is growing fast...so are my 3 musketeers.
Michelle Monson Photography http://www.michellemonsonphotography.blogspot.com/ did this photo shoot & she has the patience of an angel. She not only says, its okay if it takes a while to get baby to sleep but she means it & helps put mom at ease. Sadie must have felt slightly out of her comfort zone because she would eat, fall asleep, & then wake up rather quickly. Hard to position her when she kept waking up but I think that Michelle got some fantastic pics of her. I cherish these pics. Kinda wish that this was the 'in thing' when the other 3 were babies.
These were taken when Sadie Kieran was about 10 days old. She's now 2 1/2 months old. Wow, the time sure has flown quickly.
I've numbered them so you can share in the comment section below which are your favorites.
P.S. I LOVE comments so be sure to weigh in on your favorites!!! Thanks
Don't forget to leave a comment! And stay tuned as I figure out how to fit blogging back into my schedule on a regular basis because I have more pics to share. Sadie is growing fast...so are my 3 musketeers.
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