My family - Sunday afternoons are spent with family. Sometimes we hang out together watching a movie, playing a game or video game together, reading together, and sometimes we just are near each other and that is nice too.
As you can see I try to skip the computer time on the weekends & be with my family more. Sometimes I get preoccupied with other things & I don't put my family at the top of my list. In the light of recent events, I have been working to change that.
Yesterday, we had a friend bring us a meal that she heated up for us to eat for lunch. It was delicious but it afforded me the time I needed to sit down with Gabby to work on a school project that she has due this Friday. Which means that tomorrow I will be editing her video so she can turn it in on time or early. I did not want her to wait until the last minute because life is unpredictable and since we are waiting & unsure when my appointment at Ann Arbor will be, it made sense not to wait. So Gabby & I sat together at my computer and I typed while she spoke to me what she wanted to say for her project. I helped her change her wording and make it come across just as she desired and intended. I must say that I am an extremely pleased & proud mom. I was before this project but I am even more so now.
Gabby was asked to share about her favorite educational experience thus far in her life and she chose to share about something we have been teaching her about since she was very small. After we typed what she wanted to say, we waited until bedtime for the rest of the family to be upstairs for quiet and ease of nerves as we recorded her video. Not only did she do a great job choosing her topic, composing what she wanted to say, but also how she presented it on video. I honestly haven't watched it back on my computer yet but it looked pretty good on the camera & I can't wait to edit and add her picture to it tomorrow. I am hoping to be able to share it on here in the next few days. It is a message for all and when I post it, if she doesn't mind, I will share why she selected the topic she did. So stay tuned.
As for an update of me. On Saturday I made myself a little nervous as I checked out the size of the tumor. I try to keep track in my mind how large it is so I can report to my doctor if there has been any change in it. Saturday I thought the size had perhaps doubled. I was scared to even think about it or share it with anyone but I did. I needed more prayer. Because I had to abruptly stop nursing Sadie and it was only a few weeks ago, the milk has not completely dried up. One of the things suggested to help is cabbage leaves so I had Adam purchase a cabbage for me. On Saturday night before bed I finally looked up the instructions on what to do and followed them. By morning, things had changed some and the size of the tumor wasn't quite as large as I had thought the day before. I believe that prayers were answered and cabbage leaves were helpful. Guess I'll be grabbing a few more cabbages to help me along this journey. haha
Yesterday near the end of service I was told that my son wanted to come into service and pray for me near the altar. Morgan came in as well and we walked up front where we could gather to pray. What happened was beautiful. My children laid their hands on me, as they had done on Friday when I desperately needed it. But this time many from our church family gathered around us. I could feel hands on my back, shoulders, arms, etc and I could hear so many voices praying. I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit as people prayed over me and my family. I was completely caught up in the moment of being in God's presence with so many that love him that I felt lifted up before the cross, before the throne. Tears uncontrolled, poured down my face as I lifted my hands as high as I could to accept God's healing & to praise Him for all he's done & all he will do in my life and in my family & in those that I may not know but have been connected with during this journey. When God's people come together in agreement, amazing things happen. Most of the pain had stayed away most of Sunday. I tried to go to bed early last night & did but only slept for an hour or so when I woke up & couldn't get back to sleep. I finally came down stairs and spent over an hour in God's word. Pouring over some verses that led to other verses. I journaled about what I had read & wrote my prayer for the night and by the time I had finished, it was late. I returned to bed and slept for about 6 hours straight. I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and as if my body was back to before this diagnosis. I suffered very little pain today. Was able to help out at Morgan's school a bit and meet up with someone who is going to help clean my house. I made several calls that were on my list, including a haircut, and worked on homework when my older arrived home. As I snuggled with Sadie on the couch to get her to fall asleep I felt my eyes were heavy & decided to give in to a nap. It was a great day! Made possible by a mighty God. I did reach for something this evening & stretched a bit too far and am paying the price of some pain but I am so grateful for a wonderful day.
I received another call from Ann Arbor today. Adam took the call while I was at the salon. They are still working on gathering all my records and needed me to sign more release forms. Gosh how I wish this process was a little faster but then I am reminded that I need to fix my eyes on Jesus and to focus on His timing through all of this. It will unfold in His timing and it will be the right timing. God knows what he's doing & I am waiting on the Lord to renew my strength.
My devotion today was a reminder to rest in God's peace. To live in close communion with Him. I am to stay in touch with Him even during my busiest moments. To let His spirit give me words of grace as I live in the light of His Peace. The verses to go along with this passage in my devotion are also happens to be the verses Adam's aunt shared with me today too.
Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
John 7:38 Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.
Ephesians 5:18-20 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It never ceases to amaze me how God knows what I need before I do. How he orchestrates the timing of verses others share with me along with my devotion so that I hear the much needed word a few times to let it sink into my mind and heart so I can meditate on it and remember it. Memorizing verses has been instrumental in getting through these tough times as well because when I can recall a verse or part of a promise God has in his word, I can pray it over & over to help me fix my eyes on HIM.
One of my all time favorite verses since I was about 4 years old. Last verse tonight and I have to get some sleep.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
So no matter what is changing around me, and things are always changing. I know Jesus is my solid foundation and will never change. I can count on Him. I hope that you will put your trust in him as well if you haven't already. He remains unchanged & he never leaves! Praise God!
Jeannette - You are an inspiration to everyone. I too am staying in prayer and God's word on your behalf. Although I wish I was closer and could do more for you. I am always here for you.
ReplyDeleteI had to smile about the cabbage, and it has taken years for me to do that. After having Ashley stillborn my milk came in and there was no way to get rid of it, so I got very sore and ended up with mastitis (sp?) and that was what I was told to do. For me they told me to freeze the cabbage first. And just a little story for you....someone had sent plants for a garden that we were planting and there was a cabbage in there, so I grabbed that and used it. Who puts decorative cabbage in their flower garden anyway. Ha ha! I share that to make you smile today....the bond that we share through that pain will always be there....even in all those times...God was there!
Love you Jeannette!
Glad to keep up on your journey here. Thinking of you and praying!
ReplyDeleteI heart Sundays too (when there's no cakes that is! LOL) Gabby's project sounds so special!! Hopefully you've 'released' enough of yourself and a sufficient number of signatures (LOL) for Ann Arbor to get you that appointment scheduled!! YEY for cabbage! <3
ReplyDeleteBelieving God to do ONLY what He can do!